About Picture
Computer workshop supervisor

software expert

Scholar in the field of data science

What am I doing?
Graphic Designer

Designer of statistical infographics

Data analysis

Student and interested in the field of data analysis

Generate professional presentation files

Generate presentation files for conferences and meetings with 3D flash


Office professional courses and Adobe software

Data analysis

Student and interested in the field of data analysis

"about me "

Hi, I am Shahla Fatholahi, I am a third semester student of software engineering at Payame Noor University I live in the city of Bukan in West Azerbaijan and I know Persian, Kurdish and to some extent English.

My resume

My experiences

1399 - Until now
Master of Virtual Content Production and Lecturer

Production of virtual content

Ministry of Education
1392 - 1396

Generate content, teasers and site support

1389 - 1396

Teaching high school computer courses

Technical and professional
My experiences
MSc student

In the data field

Bachelor of National University of uroomieh

Software technology engineering

Software Associate
my education

contact with me